Saturday, August 28, 2004

"Essential SQL Server 2005 "Yukon" for Developers" Developmentor Course

"Essential SQL Server 2005 "Yukon" for Developers"

Last week I was at a Developmentor course on SQL2K5. It was instructed by Dan Sullivan, the coauthor of "A First Look at Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for Developers". Overall I have to say it was a great course.

My co-attendees were a pleasure to be with and provided a great cross slice of the development community. They were from around the US, form different companies all doing different things. They added a great deal to the class as they asked questions, made observations and had points of view that I didn't have.

Any training on a beta product is tough for the instructor, but Dan did a good job of handling with it. It's nice to attend a class given by someone who wrote the book on the subject. It would have been nice if Developmentor had thrown in a copy of the book though (which I made clear in the course eval).

5 solid days and we still were only able to cover about 1/4 of the new stuff in SQL2K5.... Man there's some cool stuff. It's going to drive DBA's insane. ;)

This was my 4th Developmentor course and I've been able to walk away with something usable from everyone. I wish they had a better location though. They are in a cookie-cutter industrial park in Torrance, CA. For me, that's a commute from hell (about 3 1/2 hours a day). It's actually geographically closer to my house than my work, but the freeways to get there just byte.

Developmentor is not cheap, but the investment in going to their courses always seems pay off...

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