Sunday, December 12, 2004

25 Years Old? - You Can't Get Hired Here...

25 Years Old? - You Can't Get Hired Here...

"Yes, its a outsourcing firm, but all of their careers state that if you’re 25 (well, 2 state 30) years old or older, you probably won’t get hired for a position. The majority of these positions also state that females are preferred...."

This Philippine outsourcing firm, Optimum Source, Inc, clearly clearly starts you need to be "No more than xx (25|30) years old" to get a job there.

Also that for some jobs you MUST be female (for the Admin Assistant for example).

This rubs me the wrong way. So I wanted to post here as a note to self to avoid any type of relationship with this firm in the future...


Anonymous said...

Sadly, this is not at all uncommon in Asia. A few years back I was looking over an English language paper in Japan. A great deal of the help wanted ads had requirements in them that would be illegal in the US. A typical ad looked like this: "Wanted for clerical position: female 18 - 30 years old, unmarried. Send photo and resume." There's 4 laws broken right there (female, age, marital status, photo).

Mark H.

Greg said...

All I can say is "wow"...