Thursday, February 17, 2005

Geocamming Scavenger Hunt

Geocamming Scavenger Hunt

Remember when I posted about all those unsecured webcam's on the net? (geocamming - unsecurity cameras revisited)

Well Andrew sent me an email pointing me to the Geocamming Scavenger Hunt.

"Geocamming is the act of viewing unsecured cameras connected to the internet and using them to explore the world. These cameras can be found using Google searches.

My Goals
My goal is to have people help me compile a list of cameras that are out there and their real-world locations. Think of it as a distributed computing project/contest.

The Contest
Here's the deal: there is no way I can go through all the cameras and find their locations, so a friend of mine and I developed a "game" to make life more interesting. We both look for cameras, and the person with the most confirm-able locations at the end of a set time period, wins. I want to run this game on a global scale...."

Interesting... I was happy to see the no hacking rule.

If someone has a window with the curtains open, people can be reasonably expected to look in. There's no expectation of privacy if they are left open.
If they are closed, then there is an expectation of privacy. In my mind the no hacking/password cracking honors this. (As you can see, I've been watching way to much Law and Order).

But then again, I get pissed when people scan my PC's for open ports/services... But that's a much more intrusive than googling for cam's...

Anyway, if you're into Geocamming, check out Andrew's site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you much for this Greg. Ypu are the man!