Thursday, February 24, 2005

Microsoft may offer peek at SQL Server code

Microsoft may offer peek at SQL Server code | CNET

"Will the software industry's wave of open-source databases spill onto Microsoft's turf?

Perhaps. The software giant is considering making the source code for its SQL Server database available to customers, according to Tom Rizzo, director of product management in Microsoft's SQL Server unit.

In an interview with CNET, Rizzo said that the company is thinking about including the forthcoming SQL Server 2005 in Microsoft's shared-source program for disclosing product source code to customers. ..."

While that might be cool, personally I really could care less. I have so much business, let's make some money so we can pay the bills and your salary, related code to write that there's just no way I could ever think of looking at the SQL Server source (even if I had it).

Man, I just want use it. I just want it to work. Kind of like hotdogs. I just want to eat them. I don't need or want to know how they are made...

Well back to that work... ;)

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