Thursday, March 31, 2005

SQL Server 2000 Report Pack for IIS Logs

Download details: SQL Server 2000 Report Pack for IIS Logs

The Microsoft SQL Server Report Pack for Internet Information Services (IIS) is a set of 12 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services reports that works with a sample database of information extracted from Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) log files. This database can be populated with your own data using the Log Parser included with the IIS 6.0 Resource Kit. You can use also the sample reports as templates for designing new reports.

This Report Pack includes the following reports:

  • Global Statistics
    Contains a top-level summary chart of visits and bandwidth for one or more sites with drillthough for each month.
  • Site Summary
    Contains a site summary for a specified site, month, and year. Includes a document map and all other detail reports.

  • Time Period
    Shows a parent report with subreports containing time and date based visitor statistics.

  • Day of Week
    Contains bar chart, bubble chart and table with visitor information per day.

  • Hourly Statistics
    Contains a chart and table with visitor information per hour of the day.

  • Day of Month
    Contains chart and table with visitor information per day of the month.

  • OS Statistics
    Shows a table containing of the number of visits based on the operating system type. Also shows detailed chart with version information for Windows OS visitors.

  • Browser Statistics
    Shows a table containing the number of visits based on the browser type. Also shows detailed chart with version information for Internet Explorer visitors.

  • Country Statistics
    Contains a breakdown (table and chart) of the number of visits based on the country of origin.

  • Length Statistics
    Contains a breakdown (table and chart) of the number of visits based on the amount of time spent on the site.

  • Pages
    Contains statistics about the top 5 most viewed pages on the site.

  • Visitors
    Contains of sub reports of Web site visitor statistics grouped by time and date.

... "

Sounds interesting. Cheap and free (if you already have SQL Server, etc) IIS web log reporting.

If you can't afford WebTrends or like product, this might be something to look at. Also if you need to roll your own IIS web log reporting, then this might be a good starting place...

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