Monday, May 16, 2005 Officially Launched Today

Koders - Source Code Search Engine

"... I thought you might like to know that this free search tool officially launched today (5/16). What’s new is that users can currently search over 190 million lines of code from more than 28 thousand projects in hundreds of open source repositories. It also now recognizes over 30 programming languages and can identify over 20 software licenses.

What you may not have know is that also features a unique Project Cost Calculator that presents a side-by-side analysis of leveraging existing code versus developing it from scratch. Not only does this enable easy assessment of build-versus-buy alternatives, it also provides developers with a quantifiable perspective of their contributions to the open source community. ..."

Just got this email from Scot. Looks like has gone live. I still like their nice clean user interface... And 190 million lines of searchable code is pretty cool too... :)

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Koders - Source Code Search Engine

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