Wednesday, May 18, 2005

...You kicked It?

ARMOR GEDDON: 12 November: How to Detect Land Mines


"I saw this get uncovered as we was dragging the track from side to side so I kicked it to see what it was."

Underneath the long length of track, under the portion pulled up by the strap, SSG Terry had unearthed a large round flat cylinder. It looked like there were a few more next to it. The thing was about the size of a plastic dog food bowl. It was light tan colored and dirty looking. Like it had been there for a long time.

"SSG Terry. That's a goddam tank mine." I said to him quietly. "You kicked it?"


No one really hurt, so this story is kind of funny (in a gallows humor kind of way). Reminded me of when I was in the Army (Not that I ever had to deal with real landmines... )

It does make me proud of our troops. Our soldiers rock...

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