Sunday, July 17, 2005

Distributed File System (DFS)

Troy Kirkland : Distributed File System

"For the last couple of years I've presented at Microsoft TechED about the use of DFS (and hope to present this year as well covering the changes in R2).

I can't see why there has not been a greater uptake on DFS and can only hope to talk to more people and maybe supply some pointers that may make it easier to deploy.

For those new to DFS, start looking here. ... "

Like Tony, I don't understand why DFS doesn't have more traction. I've pushed for DFS a number of times in a couple lives, but it's never gotten out of the "Yeah, that would be cool, but..." phase.

Every time I have to change my shortcuts/configs/home shares/drive mappings/etc because we're retired a server and moved all the files to a new named server I push for DFS... And it seems we play the "new server name" game all to often. Or when "they" decide on new server naming conventions, etc, etc, etc.

From all that I've read about DFS (especially the newer Win2000+ versions), it seems like a no-brainer. But maybe that's the programmer in me that likes and understands interface abstraction and isolation...?

Anyway, Tony's post is a good advise column on DFS. Like he says, give it a try, it's pretty easy... really... Your users will thank you.

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