Thursday, August 18, 2005

Spam Comment Club Memebership?

It looks like I’ve joined the “Spam Comment club”

I’m starting to get comments that appear to me to be spam. Comments from “Anonymous” that are off topic and are just links to other non-related sites... (If it looks and smells like spam then it probably is...)


And there’s little I can do with Blogger’s comment system. Either turn off comments or turn off anonymous comments. I really don’t want to force people to register with Blogger just to comment on my blog. Seems like a little overkill, doesn’t it?

And I don’t want to turn off comments all together. I’ve received just too many great comments from people to just turn them off.

I guess the best solution is to bug Blogger to providing better “are you a human” checking...

Blogger already has the common anti-spam stuff in place, so I’m not sure what value there is to the spammers. [long sigh...]

So far it’s manageable and I’m killing them as they get posted, but this is one club I’d rather not have joined....

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