Thursday, September 22, 2005

PDC "The Goods" Install Issues (Vista, WinFX September CTP, .NET Framework 2.0, VS 2005, Max)

Aaron Stebner's WebLog : Install issues with various products given out at PDC (Vista, WinFX September CTP, .NET Framework 2.0, VS 2005, Max)

"Starting approximately this past weekend, I've started hearing from a few folks who have had questions or problems installing some of the various versions of the products given out to attendees at PDC 2005 last week. Rob Relyea did a really nice job of outlining how to configure a WinFX development machine using the DVDs given out at PDC or using bits available for download from the web.

I wanted to emphasize the key points that I've gathered by looking at the various packages given out at PDC, reading Rob's notes, and talking to some customers who have run into problems so far ..."

Some good install minefield notes in this post...

I kind of doubt I'll be able to play with much of this prior to the RTM of VS2005/.Net 2.0 (which will change much of this story, I hope) but it's good info to have just in case I get bitten by the beta bug...

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