Monday, November 28, 2005

"Exploiting the Blogger Atom API"

Exploiting the Blogger Atom API - The Code Project - .NET

"I was looking for a client for Pocket PC, but unfortunately I wasn’t satisfied by any of the applications that I found. So I decided to develop one myself.

I started by developing an independent .Net API for interacting with, which I’m presenting here. This component, which I named NBlog, allows any .Net application to simply perform different operations against without any knowledge about the underlying communication protocols.

NBlog uses the new Blogger Atom API as the main communication protocol. However, being designed with extensibility in mind, it allows for implementations of any other Blogger-supported protocol to be added. These new implementations can then be plugged into existing applications by using a simple configuration setting.

To show how NBlog can be used within an application, I’ve also developed a simple Windows Forms Blogger client. The image at the top is a screenshot from this application. ..."

This is a good Code Project C# posting, providing a real world abstraction example, ATOM usage, interesting WinForm design and Blogger intergration...

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