Monday, December 26, 2005


Niels SQL Server Blog : New release of SqlClrProject

"The SqlClrProject is a project type for Visual Studio 2005 for creation and deployment of assemblies to SQL Server 2005. It consists of templates for both Visual C# (C#) and Visual Basic (VB) with skeleton code for creation of CLR methods to be used as stored procedures, User Defined Functions (UDF's), triggers, User Defined Types (UDT's) and User Defined Aggregates (UDA's).


For you who have used the SQL Server Project project type from VS to do this, you may wonder what the differences are. Things that the SqlClrProject allows you to do, which the VS SQL Server project can't do:

Automatic creation of T-SQL deployment scripts.
Automatic creation of T-SQL DML scripts for testing of the created objects.
Ability to alter an assembly and only deploy newly added methods from the assembly.
Ability to create objects in a non default schema "schemaname.objectname".


Very cool. I dig the creation of the T-SQL deployment scripts feature.

I script everything for SQL deployment. Doesn't matter if it is for Dev, QA or production, it's all scripted. This makes source control easy, Dev to QA to Prod migration easier, etc, etc.

So this addin will be something I'll have to very close look at when we move to SQL2k5 (mid-next year).

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