Saturday, January 28, 2006

EZShellExtensions - Develop Shell Extensions in .Net (Third Party Commercial Product)

EZShellExtensions.Net : Develop Shell Extensions in .Net Fast And Painlessly!

"EZShellExtensions is a set of components for fast, painless and easy development of Windows shell extensions. EZShellExtensions eliminates the time-consuming, error-prone and complicated process of developing shell extensions using an innovative yet simple and easy-to-use object model.  EZShellExtensions can reduce the time required to write shell extensions by as much as 80%. Think of the savings in terms of time and money that this brings to your software development schedule!

Develop All Kinds Of Shell Extensions

EZShellExtensions can be used to develop any kind of shell extensions including context menu extensions, property sheet extensions, infotip extensions, thumbnail extensions, "Send To" extensions, icon extensions, overlay icon extensions, drag-drop extensions, disk cleanup extensions, background menu extensions, drop extensions, Taskbar bands and IE toolbands and explorer bars. Complete list...

VS.Net 2002, VS.Net 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 integration ..."

For $95, if I ever need to build Explorer/Shell/IE extensions, it would be silly to not take a closer look at this...

(via TheServerSide.Net - EZShellExtensions.Net 1.0 Released )


Anonymous said...

$95? Sounds like it should be free for you, Mister:

I thought writing extensions in managed code was a bad thing ( I wonder how this works?

Greg said...

LOL.. Nice, I didn't see that. But now that you've pointed it out... ;)

And yeah, I've heard the same thing, that using managed .Net for Extensions was "officially bad".

If/when I get a copy I'll give it a close look and let you know if I find anything relevant...

Thanks again for the tip on the offer.