Friday, February 03, 2006

"Stored Procedure Object Interface Layer (SPOIL)"

Download details: Spoil.msi

“Brief Description
SPOIL essentially creates an objected-oriented (OO) layer on the database so the application can stay in the OO paradigm."


Sample code for the Stored Procedure Object Interface Layer (SPOIL). This creates an object abstraction over SQL stored procedures providing applications with an object view of the data layer.”

I don’t know what this is, but I like the name…  ;)

Since I’m in the “Stored Procedures are Good” camp, I’m checking it out now.


Greg said...

Very cool. Thank you...

Anonymous said...

BTW, here is the url for the paper with documentation.

Anonymous said...

It helps to put the link to the right page.

Greg said...

lol... I was wondering...
Thanks for the clarification.

Anonymous said...

how efficient is this if iam using this with ORACLE.

Greg said...

I can't say, I'm pretty much 100% SQL Server