Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Econ NetVert (.NET Language Converter Library & GUI based upon ICSharpCode.NRefactory) 2.0 Released

GotDotNet - Econ NetVert 2.0 Released

"Econ NetVert 2.0 Final Release is available at GOTDOTNET for download now.

New Major Features:
- Full .NET 2.0 support
- Support for ASP.NET files (with language-autodetection)
- Displays a TrayIcon with functions to convert the clipboard
- Windows Explorer Shell integration for the files: cs, vb, csproj, vbproj, aspx, ascx
- Switchable ICSharpCode Version (1.1 or 2.0)
- Option to fix namespace import problems"

Econ NetVert - .NET language converter

"Econ NetVert is an open-source source code converter for the conversion of .NET programming languages. Econ NetVert converts code fragments, or whole data and directories, between the languages C# and Visual Basic.NET. ..."

While I can read C# and convert it on the fly to VB.Net, when dealing with a ton of code there’s nothing like a good language conversion tool to help save brain cells...

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