Monday, July 31, 2006

Updated RegistrySettingsProvider Custom Settings Provider

Chris Sells - Custom Settings Provider in .NET 2.0

"I updated the SDK RegistrySettingsProvider to implement IApplicationSettings and built a sample to demonstrate how to integrate it (or any .NET 2.0 custom settings provider) with the settings designer-generated code. Enjoy." [Post Leached in Full]

Chris has taken the .Net 2.0 custom settings provider, RegistrySettingsProvider, to the next step, giving it some TLC and taking us along for the ride.

The new Settings .Net 2.0 feature is one of my favorite time savers. The only issue I’ve had with it is that all the settings are saved to local files. While there are some user settings that make sense to be machine local, but there are others I’d like to roam with the user.

While Chris’s example doesn’t address this (and it wasn’t meant too), it does show a path to providing other custom settings providers. If you’re interesting in custom settings providers you owe it to yourself to check out his article...

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