Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bitonal (TIFF) Image Converter for .NET

The Code Project - Bitonal (TIFF) Image Converter for .NET - The Code Project - Multimedia

"The .NET framework provides rich support for generating and manipulating bitmap images, but it lacks one significant feature that is imperative for image processing -- the ability to modify and then save modified bitonal (i.e., black and white or one-bit per pixel) images. Bitonal images are commonly used in document management and document imaging applications for scanned documents. Bitonal images are most commonly stored in the TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) file format with a CCITT Group IV compression algorithm.

The Problem

The .NET framework supports loading and displaying bitonal images, but that's where the support ends..."

This project is another interesting look at RGB to B&W, editing and saving support for mono/bitonal Tif's in .Net.

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