Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"PowerShell and Amazon Web Service"

Computer Bits - PowerShell and Amazon Web Service

"...I don’t want to sit in front of my computer and manually check the price myself. Wouldn’t it be nice if I can have a script to check the price automatically? It would be nicer if I write the script using PowerShell!

Ok, enough rambling. Let’s get started. To use Amazon Web Service, the first thing to do is to create an account and obtain your own Access Key ID. You can create a free account here. ..."
My interest in PowerShell has greatly increased recently and this morning the above post caught my eye.
Cutting and pasting (and updating to use my AWS key), the provided example worked first time (WinXP, PS RC1). I love it when stuff "just works".

I dig the idea that I can easily and reliably talk to a web service from within a shell and extract the data I’m interested in using OO like methods (with no manual/extra text or XML parsing).

So many possibilities ...

(via Amazon Web Services Blog - Linked List - XSLT, PowerShell, .Net Sample, Hosting Site on S3)

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