Thursday, October 12, 2006

Top10Traders.Com - Play Money, Real Stocks, Stock Trading Game

Barry Robbins emailed me, suggesting I take a quick look at his stock market game... What brought me to post on it, where I've not on other emails?

First, the email was from Barry directly. And it looked to be written directly by him and not some marketing email blast firm. So I checked out the site...

It looks to be a labor of love by Barry. There very little advertising (just one adsence tower) and a very clean and simple design.

What I liked is that it's real stocks you buy and sell. So if you've also wondered what owning MSFT would do for you, well here's your chance. Or if you think Jim Cramer is a stock god or .dot bomb, now you can get $100k to prove or disprove him... Or if you always wanted to get into stocks but were afraid, this game might help you get over that.

Here's the blurb from the About page.

"Create an account at and you have $100,000 in 'play' money to invest in the stock market.

On the first day of each month, at 12:01 am, a monthly return is calculated for each account. The accounts with a monthly return in the top 10% are listed in the box on the top left of this page. The owners of these accounts will have their posts displayed on the main page as well. Anyone can enter posts to discuss their stock picks and where they think the market is going (or anything else you might feel like discussing). You can buy and sell stocks, long and short, at any time. Outside of market hours, the trades will be listed as pending until the market opens.

Start trading!"

We'll see how my MSFT, NDE and GOOG stocks do for me...  ;)

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