Wednesday, November 29, 2006

VB6 to XAML...

Code Sapiens - VB6(2)XAML

"Obviously, the purpose of a converting tool is to convert an object from a format to another one. VB6 to XAML is an engine that can convert Visual Basic 6.0 Forms to XAML windows. It is an open engine, so everyone can write his own classes to convert a control in some particular way. Soon i will put online a tutorial to write classes that can convert VB6 Controls to XAML, adding styles and effect, maybe! At the moment, i have written only the base control converters and some converters of the MSComctlLib library, but if you want you can write a different converter for your needs. The engine remain the same.



I don't know if I would use it, as I use jumps from VB6 to .Net to rethink and re-architect an app. But still I think it's a cool idea/utility...

(via Michael Swanson's Blog - More WPF Conversion Tools, Including VB6 to XAML -> Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - VB6(2)XAML: il convertitore di Forms Visual Basic 6.0)

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