Monday, December 04, 2006

Beta Testing MMO's, my addiction of choice... (Next to programming, of course ;)

What is your gaming addiction of choice? Mine is beta testing MMO's... There's something about playing a MMO as it's being initially built and refined that I dig. The discovery process where everyone is trying to figure out how it all works, the time before there are tons of spoiler/fan sites, that time of discovery that pulls me in.

Last week I received a notice that I could start close beta testing a new MMO (due to the NDA I can't tell you which one... sorry).

Needless to say I've been playing pretty much all weekend. Meaning today I have over 2k new feed posts to scan... dogh! 

So if I'm a little quite or seem distracted in the coming weeks, it's all the beta's fault... ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg i myself have been wanting to get into some beta testing my self so i was wondering if you would be able to help start me off by sending me some link were a upcoming beta tester can get a foot hold my e-mail is