Saturday, April 29, 2006

Easy File/Folder Property Dialog Access - ALT & Double CLick

SimonS’ SQL Server Stuff - Easiest way to display file properties

"The previous post requires you to display the properties of a file to be able to "Unblock" the file.

There are 2 (at least) ways I know of. The first is to right click on the file and select properties.

The easier way is to double click on the file while holding down the ALT key." [Post leached in full. Emphasis added]

Now that’s just cool...

Visual Studio 2005 Toolbox Utility

The Code Project - Visual Studio 2005 Toolbox Utility

"If you have ever tried to write a user control in Visual Studio.NET, you’ll already know that the process is bittersweet.  On one hand, writing the control itself is painless and Visual Studio 2005 has greatly improved the process of making controls work on multiple .NET platforms via design-time attributes and "asmmeta" assemblies.  On the other hand, however, deploying controls and adding them to the Toolbox is a process rife with errors.  It is definitely not a matter of adding a registry key (as I would have liked to see).

After getting a lot of e-mails from customers asking me how to add real-time GPS controls to their Toolbox, I decided that I needed to come up with some kind of utility to get the job done.  Visual Studio 2005 does already have some mechanisms for installing user controls, such as ".vsi" files, but unfortunately this approach typically results in a "Package Load Failure" and does not have a guarantee to work on every VS2005 installation.  Fortunately, Chetan Chudasama generously gave out source code in his blog which explains how to add or remove Toolbox controls using code and the "DTE" (Design-Time Environment) for Visual Studio.  Thanks to his efforts, I was able to turn the code into a command-line utility which is well-suited for installers (which is usually when Toolbox controls are installed).

This article describes how to use the utility and integrate it into your own installers.  You are welcome to redistribute this utility and I consider it freeware. 


Very nice. This is a keeper...

(via Joteke’s Blog - Visual Studio 2005 Toolbox Utility)

NBear - Rapid Web Application Development Framework

Teddy’s English Blog - Rapid Web Application Development - NBear Project

"What is NBear Project?

NBear is an open source rapid application development framework based on .NET 2.0. It provides persistence, business logic, ASP.NET web controls, utils, etc support, which makes web related application development based on .NET 2.0 super easy. You can find the latest version of NBear from

What Does the Name "NBear" Mean?

"N" stands for both ".Net" and "No"; "Bear" stands for the animal - bear, which is agile when attacking, and also the verb - "bear". So when combining these two words, "NBear" means an agile development framework based on .Net 2.0 which helps you no-bearing lots of complexity (like code-generating dependency and different configuration syntaxes of different frameworks) of application (especially web application) development.

Listable Build-In Configurationless Components

  • Strong Typed Interface/Emit Based  Entity Factory with Entity Auto Generator Tool
  • Object Pooling (Common Object Pooling, WeakReference Object Pooling)
  • Generic Strong Typed Data Access Gateway and Cachable Gateway (Based on .Net Cache Dependency)
  • Page, MasterPage, UserControl Enhanced Base Template with New Callback Version AjaxHelper and Lots of Helper Methods Intergrated
  • Useful Web Controls (Auto Complete TextBox, Refreshless Big File Upload Progress Bar, Serial Number Validator)
  • Url Rewrite Module
  • High performance XML/JSON Serialization

I’m a sucker for "rapid" and "framework" and cool names with meaning. And especially when the project includes the full source code (C# 2)...

Plus every time I see someone else’s code, I learn something new. For example, in this project there’s a VBS utility/script that’s used to update and synchronize version numbers for dependent assemblies. That’s a cool hack...

The solution is VSTS based, with tests included.

All in all an interesting project...

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Red Gate SQL Dependency Tracker

David Hayden [MVP C#] - SQL Dependency Tracker by Red Gate Software - First Look

"Red Gate just released SQL Dependency Tracker, which is a sweet looking tool to visually track database and cross-database object dependencies.

It’s nice to be able to point it to a table, for example, and get a quick visual representation of what that table depends upon. Here is a dependency diagram...

... "

Many DB design tools (ERWin, etc) do a great job of diagramming and displaying table/entity relationships but I’ve yet too see one that handles the new objects SQL 2k5 introduces (i.e. XML schemas, CLR objects, etc).

David’s post makes Red Gate’s SQL Dependency Tracker look like it might be a keeper. It appears to not only diagram table relationships, but XML and CLR UDT/SP/etc related dependencies too.

Very interesting and the cost looks good too. If you are using Enterprise Manager/Management Studio as your DB diagramming, documenting and printing tool, then you should check this out sooner than later...

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Friday, April 28, 2006

Aho-Corasick Algorithm String Matching

The Code Project - Aho-Corasick string matching in C#

"In this article, I will describe the implementation of an efficient Aho-Corasick algorithm for pattern matching. In simple words, this algorithm can be used for searching a text for specified keywords. The following code is useful when you have a set of keywords and you want to find all occurrences of a keywords in the text or check if any of the keywords is present in the text. You should use this algorithm especially if you have a large number of keywords that don’t change often, because in this case, it is much more efficient than other algorithms that can be simply implemented using the .NET class library.

Aho-Corasick algorithm

In this section, I’ll try to describe the concept of this algorithm. For more information and for a more exact explanation, please take a look at the links at the end of this article. The algorithm consists of two parts. The first part is the building of the tree from keywords you want to search for, and the second part is searching the text for the keywords using the previously built tree (state machine). Searching for a keyword is very efficient, because it only moves through the states in the state machine.

I decided to implement this algorithm when I had to ban some words in a community web page (vulgarisms etc.). This is a typical use case because searching should be really fast, but blocked keywords don’t change often (and the creation of the keyword tree can be slower).



This implementation of the Aho-Corasick search algorithm is very efficient if you want to find a large number of keywords in a text of any length, but if you want to search only for a few keywords, it is better to use a simple method like String.IndexOf. The code can be compiled in both .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 without any modifications. ..."

I know you see me say this allot, but there’s got to be some way I can use this...

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Another Free App From Google, SketchUp

Google - SketchUp
"Dream. Design. Communicate.

SketchUp is a simple but powerful tool for quickly and easily creating, viewing and modifying your 3D ideas.
 Click on a shape and push or pull it to create your desired 3D geometry.
Experiment with color and texture directly on your model.
Real-time shadow casting lets you see exactly where the sun falls as you model.
Select from thousands of pre-drawn components to save time drawing.

Google SketchUp (free) is an easy-to-learn 3D modeling program that enables you to explore the world in 3D. With just a few simple tools, you can create 3D models of houses, sheds, decks, home additions, woodworking projects - even space ships. And once you’ve built your models, you can place them in Google Earth, post them to the 3D Warehouse, or print hard copies.

Google SketchUp is free for personal use. No registration is required."

Because I just a sucker for free software...

This seems a little out of place coming from Google, doesn’t it? Google is not the first company I think of when thinking 3D Modeling. But then again, maybe that’s the whole point...

(via Incremental Blogger - Google releases Sketchup for free)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

101 Samples for Visual Studio 2005 (And actually all 101 now...)

Microsoft Visual Studio Development Center - 101 Samples for Visual Studio 2005

"101 Samples, in both Visual Basic and C#, featuring many of the new features available with Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0. For more samples using Visual Studio 2003 .NET, see this download.

Download all 101 Samples:
C# Version   |   VB Version "

NICE. I’ve been waiting on this... Waiting for all 101 samples to become available.

If you downloaded the original 50’ish that were released in Nov 2005, you’ll still want to get this. While the Web, WinForm, BCL (first group), and Data Access appear to have the same samples, there’s a whole new set of BCL samples (including a Secure String Password Textbox example, using NGEN, etc...), along with the new VSTO, CF and Tablet samples.

It’s nice to see C# and VB versions released at the same time too.

I love code samples... ;)

(via Dan Fernandez’s Blog - Updated 101 VB and C# samples using Visual Studio 2005 Now Available)

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"David Copperfield Robbed At Gunpoint"

The Smoking Gun - David Copperfield Robbed At Gunpoint

"APRIL 26--Magician David Copperfield was robbed at gunpoint Sunday night by a quartet of Florida teenagers who were nabbed minutes later by West Palm Beach cops. ..."

While I don’t like to see bad things happen to anyone (well most anyone...), I just can’t help all the jokes and comments going through my head after seeing this post...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"SWF To Image" Library Now Freeware

Bytescout Software Blog - SWF To Image library 1.10 is freeware now

"SWF To Image library 1.10 is freeware now

You can request your free registration key for SWF To Image library here"

SWF To Image library (Freeware)

"SWF To Image library is a freeware ActiveX/NET library for converting flash (SWF) files into BMP, JPEG and GIF image files.

Now you can show the preview or thumbnails for SWF flash movies using SWF To Image library in your application or web-site with ease.

Get your free registration key for SWF To Image library

I’ve been watching this product, thinking that one day I might need it... Making it free makes it even more likely that I’ll grab it and check it out...

Windows PowerShell?

HackedBrain - Monad -> MSH -> Windows PowerShell?

"Woah, hold the presses! A semi-cool product name coming out of Microsoft? Jason Sacks just announced the next Windows SDK is almost upon us and also let slip this first mention I’ve seen of a new product name for Monad: Windows PowerShell.

PowerShell... hum... I like it. Much better than MSH...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

"'Browse Web Application Here" Explorer Context Menu

I Wish I Knew Now What I Knew Then - Browse WebApp Here


The code is available
here. The zip comes with a .reg file that you need to edit to include the fully qualified path the executable, the readme.txt shows and example. After it is installed you should be able to right click on a folder and see this
Select ’Browse Web Application Here’ and Cassini should start and a browser page should be opened connecting to the web site. You will need Visual Studio 2005 installed (Cassini is shipped with VS 2005).


That’s a cool hack. Included in the download is the C# 2 code as well as the reg file, exe, etc.

I’ve tested it a couple times and it seems to work well. The only problem I had was with a folder with a space in the name (like C:\Documents and Settings\...). But since we have the source we can fix that if need be...

All in all a pretty simple yet cool utility.