Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Spell Checking (During Code Analysis) Included in VS2008

The Visual Studio Code Analysis Team Blog - New for Visual Studio 2008 - Spelling rules

"Surprisingly, one the biggest requests for Code Analysis in Visual Studio 2005 was to include the spelling rules that shipped with the FxCop standalone. We had Microsoft consultants tell us that they actually had trouble moving some customers from FxCop to Code Analysis because they were not included. Apparently teams care about spelling. :)

Well, we've listened and I'm glad to tell you that we are shipping the following rules in Visual Studio 2008:


These new rules (along with the rest of the previously FxCop-only rules) now cause the analysis in Visual Studio 2008 to become a true superset of what is available in FxCop.


Nice! (Not that I have spelling problems... :|  )

(via InfoQ - Spell Checker Added to Visual Studio 2008)

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