Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I just realized, I'm one of the first Gen X'ers... (Kind of, sort of, maybe, could be...)

According to Wikipedia the Baby Boomer generation runs form 1946 to the end of 1965, "There is some disagreement as to the exact beginning and end dates of the baby boom, but the range most commonly accepted is as starting in 1946 and ending in 1965."

So logically it follows that Gen X starts 1/1/1966.

Guess when I was born?

Yep, 1/1/1966 at 4:43AM PST.

So while I'm not the first US Gen X'er, I'm probably in the first few hundred at least?

While that really means absolutely nothing, it's still kind of weird. To be at the vanguard of an entire "Generation?"

Yeah, that's just a strange feeling...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if it's just as weird being the last member of a generation!

So, if you find someone a few hours older than you, you can compare notes :)

Greg said...

Good point... LOL... :)

Now I have to start hunting for "The Last Baby Boomer"

Wow, what a good title for a book...