Friday, April 11, 2008

Code Project Browser Add-in Updated to Support VS 2008

CodeProject - The Code Project Browser Add-in for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008


I also love convenience, and that's why I made this add-in. It lets you browse The Code Project directly in Visual Studio 2005 or 2008. When you click on a link that would normally download a zip file, it asks you instead if you'd like to open the sample up using The Code Project Browser. If you say yes, the add-in will download the file, unzip it to a base My Documents\My Code Project Samples directory, then load it directly. It also provides a sidebar where you can view, reload and delete all of the projects you've downloaded.


  • 24 Mar 2008 - Updated the installer to work with Visual Studio 2008. You can also install the add-in anywhere you like. No separate login is needed anymore, you just need to be logged into the site. This eliminates the need for favorites. An address bar was added, as well as a context menu to the project tree so that you can easily refind the article associated with a project download.


The cool SlickEdit built Code Project Browser Add-in is now VS2008 happy..

(via WindowsClient.Net - The Code Project Browser Add-in for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008)


Related Past Post XRef:
Access Code Project from within Visual Studio 2005 - A Cool VS Addin from SlickEdit (with Source of course)

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