Saturday, May 16, 2009

Here’s some help creating multilingual applications via machine language translated resource strings(VB & C#)

CodePlex - Language Resources

“A .Net C# application that generates code and resources to implement a multi-lingual user interface in both C# and VB.

This program was designed to help .Net developers create multi-lingual user interfaces. You can import existing string resources from (.resx) files and or (.resources) files. The program then translates the string resources into other languages using the Live Search® translation api (beta). The program can then generate all the code necessary and even compile a complete assembly. The program generates a class for each language added, these classes then implement an interface called ILanguage whose members are properties representing your string resources. A main static(Shared) class called Current is added to the output, it contains a property to store the current ILanguage instance and a function that returns a list of languages stored in the assembly.





I thought this was cool for a number of reasons.

First off I’ve been thinking about adding extending some of my OSS projects to other languages/locales. Second, because this last week at TechEd I met someone who works on the Live Search® Translation Project (She gave me this ton-load of Post-It’s. You can always find a use for Post-It’s… ;). Third, the author took the time to implement both C# and VB. Fourth, it’s source available and lastly, I just thought it was cool… :)

(via Visual Studio Gallery - Language Resources)

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