Thursday, April 08, 2010

Putting out the Flame [wars] – Seven Suggestions on handling, or avoiding, blog comment flame wars

ProBlogger - The Day I Was Flamed At My Blog (And 7 Steps To Handle Flames With Grace)

“It’s been over a year since I started The Personal Excellence Blog. As my blog grew, I received many feedback, many of which are positive. Occasionally I get negative feedback which I do my best to learn from. Flames are a rare occurrence and even then, they are usually short and unsubstantial.

That changed 3 weeks ago, when I received a flame the length of an essay. It was a reply to my latest 5-part article series on moving on from relationships, sharing my story of how I moved on from a heartbreak and how others can do the same too.

From this episode, I’ve learned 7 key steps on how to handle flamers which I want to share with you. These will be critical in your blogging journey, especially if you run a prominent blog or if you plan to really grow your blog :

image …”

If you blog, it’s going to happen. That comment, usually anonymous, that just pushes you over the edge. No matter how thick you think your blogging skin is, it’s just a matter of time. I mean you are poring much of your heart and soul into the thing and then some leaves you a mean, nasty, hurtful, evil, etc comment? Of COURSE you want to bash them back! They are attacking you, through your blog!

But like in email flame wars, there’s really no winners in blog comment flame wars. Attacking back MAY feel better… for a second. But in the end? Evil begets evil, mean begets mean, attacks begets attacks…

I liked Darren’s post and suggestions and wanted to capture a reference here to the post, so the next time it happens to me, I can refer back to it BEFORE replying (well before hitting Save on the reply)… :p

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