Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Upgrading from VS2008 to VS2010 (with TFS2008) – A short story from a teammate

My.RAM.Serialize() - VS2008 to VS2010 Upgrade Notes

“Using the latest and greatest development environment is always fun.  However, upgrading from a previous version isn’t always easy.  When we converted our dev environment from VS2005 to VS2008, there were a number of headaches to get everything working properly.  So far, upgrading to VS2010 from VS2008 is proving no different.  Since we’re still on TFS2008, we used this workaround to build VS2010 solutions on our Build machines.

image …”

Peter, my teammate, had the fun task of converting our VS2008 Solutions/Projects and TeamBuild environment to VS2010, while staying on TFS2008. Given the coolness that is VS2010, and its real/full side-by-side/multi-targeting, I wanted the team to move to it pretty quickly. And Peter got stuck with the grunt work.

The good news is that everything (mostly) is done. We’re now 100% VS2010. The not-good news is that we have one speed bump that we’re working with Microsoft to try to resolve (here’s to getting some those free support requests with out MSDN Subscription! :). It’s just one VS Setup project that we can’t get to build in our TeamBuild environment. Locally it works, so that’s our fallback for now. But besides that, my team and projects are now VS2010’ified. :)

(No we’re not TFS2010 yet. That’s outside my area of control… It’s a long story)

Anyway, if your thinking about moving from VS2008 to VS2010, while staying on TFS2008, check out Peter’s post…


Related Past Post XRef:
Auto Incrementing your TeamBuild ClickOnce Deployed Application
ClickOnce - Getting the Application version and putting it into the Publish.htm
New blogger from my team... Welcome to the world of blogging Peter!


Ambionix said...

Any news on the speed bump problem?

Greg said...

We worked around it by copying a dependacy into the root of the setup project (if I rememeber right).

Best bet would be to ping Peter (via the blog post I reference above) for the details...