Monday, April 21, 2014

Microsoft Posters Curah!

Curah! - Microsoft Posters

There are some great Microsoft posters around to provide visual representations of MS products, features, processes and solutions. This page captures those so that you can access them from a single location.



(via Kurt Shintaku's Blog - DOWNLOAD: Microsoft Posters collection)

I might be sorry I'm highlighting this. Not because the content isn't great, but I've just got bad feeling about Curah!. I have to wonder at its lifespan. Personally, I'm thinking about doing something like this, but using a public OneNote Notebook instead. Kind of, sort of the same thing, aren't they? Heck, I wonder if OneNote couldn't replace my blog! :P

In the mean time, this is still a cool resource and nice to have all these in one spot.

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