Thursday, September 25, 2014

Adventure Works, 2014

Jimmy May, Aspiring Geek: SQL Server Performance, Best Practices, & Productivity - AdventureWorks 2014 Sample Databases Are Now Available

Recently, SQL Community feedback from twitter prompted me to look in vain for SQL Server 2014 versions of the AdventureWorks sample databases we’ve all grown to know & love.

I searched Codeplex, then used the bing & even the google in an effort to locate them, yet all I could find were samples on different sites highlighting specific technologies, an incomplete collection inconsistent with the experience we users had learned to expect.  I began pinging internally & learned that an update to AdventureWorks wasn’t even on the road map.

Fortunately, SQL Marketing manager Luis Daniel Soto Maldonado (t) lent a sympathetic ear & got the update ball rolling; his direct report Darmodi Komo recently announced the release of the shiny new sample databases for OLTP, DW, Tabular, and Multidimensional models to supplement the extant In-Memory OLTP sample DB.

What Success Looks Like

In my correspondence with the team, here’s how I defined success:

1. Sample AdventureWorks DBs hosted on Codeplex showcasing SQL Server 2014’s latest-&-greatest features, including:

  • In-Memory OLTP (aka Hekaton)
  • Clustered Columnstore
  • Online Operations
  • Resource Governor IO

2. Where it makes sense to do so, consolidate the DBs (e.g., showcasing Columnstore likely involves a separate DW DB)

3. Documentation to support experimenting with these features

As Microsoft Senior SDE Bonnie Feinberg (b) stated, “I think it would be great to see an AdventureWorks for SQL 2014.  It would be super helpful for third-party book authors and trainers.  It also provides a common way to share examples in blog posts and forum discussions, for example.”


Adventure Works 2014 Sample Databases

Adventure Works 2014 sample databases are an upgrade from the 2012 version. To learn how to install the databases, see Readme for Adventure Works 2014 Sample Databases.docx.


Having training, sample data that is safe to demo and use is always, always, always nice...


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