Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Alas YUI, I knew you... Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) is officially dead in the water.

 Yahoo! Engineering - Important Announcement Regarding YUI

The Yahoo User Interface library (YUI) has been in use at Yahoo since 2005, and was first announced to the public on February 13, 2006. Although it has evolved tremendously since that time, YUI has always served the same overarching purpose of providing a comprehensive toolkit to make it easier for developers to create rich web applications. As such, YUI is an important part of Yahoo’s history: millions of lines of code relying on YUI have been written and are still in use at Yahoo today. However, it has become clear to us that the industry is now headed in a new direction...


Therefore, we have made the difficult decision to immediately stop all new development on YUI in order to focus our efforts on this new technology landscape. This means that, going forward, new YUI releases will likely be few and far between, and will only contain targeted fixes that are absolutely critical to Yahoo properties.


I've been following YUI since it went public in Feb 2006 (I blogged about it the day after it wen OSS, Yahoo! UI Library Released as OSS). I always thought it cool that Yahoo had released and improved it over time. But time matches on, and all that, and if you look at the web between now and then, it's a whole new world (Yeah, I've got my Capt. Obvious hat on again). Eight years? In web-time that's like 97 years or something... :/


Related Past Post XRef:
Free Yahoo UI JavaScript Hosting
Yahoo! UI Library Released as OSS

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