Thursday, August 08, 2013

10 Years... My blogging is now in the double digits! (wow)

Thanks, thanks and more thanks. It's your comments and support that help me keep going. And it's not easy. Ask any compulsive blogger or  feed reading addict, a good percentage of our day is devoted to our news gathering, scanning and blogging. And we don't do it for the big bucks, that's for sure. We do it at first for ourselves, but later because of you and your support. A person can only yell into the wind so long on their own...

So thank you (I think... LOL ;)

BTW, it's you and your support that has helped me expand to beyond this little blog and into a number of other blogs and podcasts too.

Check out these other opportunities you've all helped me become part of;

One last thank you and let's see about another 10! (That kind of hurts even thinking about that...)


Related Past Post XRef:
Nine years just flew by... Today is my Ninth Blog-aversary!
Seventh Blog-aversary!
Six years just seemed to fly by… It’s my Sixth Year Blog-aversary!
Five Year Blog-aversary, and 500K+ Visit Milestone
Four Year Blog-aversary
Three Year Blog-aversary...
Two Years and Counting...

Three million thank you's!
A million [visits] in review...
Two million... visits... Thank you!
My own countdown (well count-up) to watch... Hitting two "million..." visits this week
“One Million…” visits… Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Genious :) Congrats !!


coder ibub said...

congrat dude!