Tuesday, June 29, 2004

VB2005 Express Beta Install

VB 2005 Express is installing to a VPC now.

So far it's very smooth.

Everything needed is downloaded as needed. 279MB for my selected options.

During the install you are given the option to download and install SQL Server 2005 Express and the MSDN Express Library 2005 (which is what really bloated my download).

Of course the 2.0 beta 1 framework is also downloaded and installed for you.

The install speed is actually pretty good (considering I'm using the machine for other things as the VPC runs).

Update: C# Express and Web Dev Express are also now installed.

The cool Starter kits in each of these products are really cool. The best way to learn to code is by coding up an app. The Starter kit's walk you through that... and the apps are actual useful.

C# has a cool RSS screensaver. Web Dev as a Personal Web site, with photo album, etc. VB has a DVD Collection app...

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