Thursday, July 08, 2004

Multi-University/Research Lab (MURL) Seminar Series

Multi-University/Research Lab (MURL) Seminar Series

This is officially pretty darn cool!

A bunch of free seminar's on a variety of computer science subjects.

Seminar's from Carnegie-Mellon, MIT, MS Research, Stanford, University of Washington, PARE

They span from June 2004 back to a couple from 1981 (Design and Use of Colossus PT 1 & 2)...

Some are pretty far out there, for me at least, like "Cosmology and Dark Matter" and "Nanometer-Class Structural Actuators - An Oxymoron?"

Some are right on topic for me like, "OSDL: Accelerating The Adoption And Use Of Linux" and "Weblogs and how we can work together" and "Actor-Oriented Design: Concurrent Models as Programs" and "Architecting a Web Repository"

There currently seem to be about 800 available seminars...

(via Early Adopter)

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