Friday, July 09, 2004

Open Workbench - ["Open Source" Project Scheduler]

Open Workbench - Home

Niku has released to "open source" their Project management/scheduling application.

The app, in binary form is free (with registration), but as for the source...

Some snips from the FAQ

"Are there any parts of Workbench that will not be provided to the open source community?
Yes. Some parts of the Open Workbench code base are the intellectual property of RogueWave and Microsoft. Further, Open Workbench’s scheduling algorithms will not be open sourced and will be maintained by Niku. ...

Do developers need any special licenses in order to work with the Open Workbench code?
Open Workbench uses components produced by Microsoft and Rogue Wave. While Niku has the right to distribute these components in binary form, developers in the community cannot work on – or redistribute – Open Workbench without purchasing the appropriate licenses to these components from the manufacturers or their resellers. "

Anyway the app is free, runs on WinTel (but does require JRE), and some/most of the code is available, so I guess all is good. :)

(via projectified)

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