Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Extreme Ironing (LOL)

Extreme ironing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Extreme Ironing (or EI) is an extreme sport in which people take an ironing board to a remote location and iron a few items of clothing.

Starch irons atop Rivelin Needle near Sheffield, England.Extreme ironing locations include a mountainside of a difficult climb; a forest; in a canoe; while skiing or snowboarding; on top of large bronze statues; in the middle of a street; even when free-diving, though this possibility defeats the purpose of ironing. The ironing itself has variations: either solo or in a group; ironing in existing formations or freestyle.

EI supposedly combines the excitement of an extreme sport with the satisfaction of freshly ironed clothes. Though it seems a parody or hoax, many extreme ironers take their sport quite seriously. ..."

Oh yeah. Ironing is no joke around MY house!
I hate ironing, but I can EI to help me though the task?

Grrr, I hate going outside too (it's too hard to see my laptop screen with all that evil "sun" glare... ;). Oh yeah, EI would involve "exercise" too. Damn it.

I need to VEI (Virtual Extreme Ironing)... LOL

(via Sashidhar Kokku -

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