Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Monoppix 1.0.6 Now Out...

Monoppix 1.0.6 Release

"Monoppix is a bootable Linux CD that runs .NET applications on the Mono framework. It makes it easy to see your .NET code running on Linux without installing a thing.

Release Information
This is mostly a stack upgrade release. Here's what's included in Monoppix 1.0.6:

Monodoc, mcs, Mono, libgdiplus, gtk-sharp 1.06
Xsp 1.0.8
Monodevelop 0.51
Cairo 0.2
(continued support of MySQL 4.1.7)
Included .Net in Samples book (HTML format)
Improved desktop links
Monodevelop bug fixes
Application execution directly from monodevelop is now fixed
The project type images are now properly displayed"


If you run this via Virtual PC, make sure you check out Jon Galloway's excellent [tip] Knoppix cheat code for Virtual PC Video post.

Past Post XRef (i.e. I really wish Blogger support categories... sigh):

Monoppix 1.0
New Home for Monoppix Training Videos
Monoppix Video Tutorials
[tip] Knoppix cheat code for Virtual PC Video
Novell Forge - monoppix Summary ( Released)

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