Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Little Known, Invaluable Methods and Properties in the .NET Framework Base Class Library

Little Known, Invaluable Methods and Properties in the .NET Framework Base Class Library

"... This article provides a listing of those .NET Framework BCL methods and properties that are quite handy but not well-known. I'd like this article to be a work in progress, so if you know of any .NET Framework methods or properties you consider not in every ASP.NET developer's lexicon, but should be, let me know! Each week I plan to add additional useful methods and properties focused in a particular area. This week's tips and tricks focus on working with file paths. Read on to learn more! ..."

Path.Combine, listed as the first entry, is something I use all the time (both in VB.Net and in VB6, via FSO and BuildPath). Who needs the brain dammage of trying to correctly combine strings into a valid path (check for/trunction leading/trailing back slashes, etc, etc) when MS will do it for you?

I'll be watching this article space for future posts...

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