Tuesday, May 24, 2005

MSN Virtual Earth VS Google Earth

MSN Virtual Earth To Take On Google Earth

"Microsoft sends news today that founder Bill Gates has announced a MSN Virtual Earth service is to debut in the summer. The service is promised to provide:

Satellite images with 45-degree-angle views of buildings and neighborhoods

Satellite images with street map overlays

Ability to add local data layers, such as showing local businesses or restaurants
Last week, Google announced that its Keyhole software allowing satellite views of the Earth will be renamed Google Earth. Better images will also be available to those getting satellite views via Google Maps. ..."

Sounds like a bad monster movie, "MSN Virtual Earth VS Google Earth." While my application naming usually bytes (the names are functional if not cute...) can I say I think the "earth" names are silly?

Don't get me wrong, I dig the satellite view in Google maps and will play with MSN's when it's out too. Doesn't mean I won't have a hard time keeping a straight face when I tell my son to go to "MSN Virtual Earth" (heck I can't even when I'm just writing it... sounds like a Sim game)

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