Thursday, May 19, 2005

PhotoPlus 6 (and the Quest to become Uber Graphic Man)

Free Image & Photo Editing Software Download - PhotoPlus

"Download Now
Download and register your free image and photo editing software.

Why use PhotoPlus?
PhotoPlus 6 is the fun photo editing software that brings professional image editing to everyone with just a few clicks of the mouse. This free download enables beginners and professionals alike to produce incredible images for print, multimedia and the web.

PhotoPlus in Action
PhotoPlus 6 is incredible image editing software that enables you to create, manipulate, and enhance photographs, bitmap graphics, and web animations. All the tools you need are provided along with handy hints to enable you to achieve totally unique results. ..."

I've had to play "Application Graphics Man" recently which is a very difficult role for me... I've started using Paint.Net and like it. But I'm always looking for a graphics program that turns me into "Uber Graphic Man!"

So the search continues as I check out PhotoPlus 6...

I'm also checking out 3DPlus 2 from Free Serif Software.

(via - PhotoPlus)

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