Tuesday, November 08, 2005

103 SQL Server 2005 Samples and AdventureWorks Sample Databases Download

Download details: SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases

"The samples download provides 103 samples for SQL Server 2005, demonstrating the following components:

Database Engine, including administration, data access, Full-Text Search, CLR integration, Server Management Objects (SMO), Service Broker, and XML
Analysis Services
Integration Services
Notification Services
Reporting Services

The samples databases downloads include the AdventureWorks sample online transaction processing (OLTP) database, the AdventureWorksDW sample data warehouse, and the AdventureWorksAS sample Analysis Services database. These databases are used in the samples and in the code examples in the SQL Server 2005 Books Online."

Tons of VB/CS/TSQL code samples and tutorials for SQL 2k5 and related products...

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