Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Scalable Shared Databases in SQL Server 2005

Scalable Shared Databases supported by Sql Server 2005 RTM

"Scalable shared databases
The scalable shared database feature allows you to attach a read-only reporting database to multiple server instances over a storage area network (SAN). A reporting database is a read-only database that is built from one or more production databases that are used exclusively for reporting purposes. To be made into a scalable shared database, a reporting database must reside on one or more dedicated, read-only volumes whose primary purpose is to host the reporting database or a coordinated set of reporting databases. These volumes are known as reporting volumes. ..."

This is the first I've heard of this feature... So multiple SQL Servers all pointing to the same read only report data DB. Interesting... I've run into reporting perfromance "issues" in the past so I can see where this could be very useful.

Check out http://support.microsoft.com/Default.aspx?kbid=910378 for more information...

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