Saturday, March 05, 2005

The CLR's garbage collection was written in what language?

Which language was the CLR's garbage collection written in? (the answer may surprise you)

Interesting factoid...

Did you know the .Net CLR's garbage collection was written in LISP (and then converted to C)?

Friday, March 04, 2005

Intel sees virtualization as key to child-proof PCs - Intel sees virtualization as key to child-proof PCs

"... Intel expects to see some business users build on these concepts. Companies might, for example, set up one partition that can run only approved software. Users can install iTunes or Doom or whatever unsafe software they like in another partition. Software makers might also create a type of 'service operating system' that could be accessed no matter what has happened to the main copy of Windows or Linux. ..."

Can I claim that I called it? Virtual PC as the bare Metal OS?

Java Implementation for Mono/.Net

IKVM.NET Home Page

"IKVM.NET is an implementation of Java for Mono and the Microsoft .NET Framework. It includes the following components:
A Java Virtual Machine implemented in .NET
A .NET implementation of the Java class libraries
Tools that enable Java and .NET interoperability
Read more about what you can do with IKVM.NET ..."

Uses for IKVM.NET

Use Java libraries in your .NET applications
IKVM.NET includes ikvmc, a Java bytecode to .NET IL translator. If you have a Java library that you would like to use in a .NET application, run ikvmc -target:library mylib.jar to create mylib.dll.

For example, the Apache FOP project is an open source XSL-FO processor written in Java that is widely used to generate PDF documents from XML source. With IKVM.NET technology, Apache FOP can be used by any .NET application.


I don't really do Java, but this still sounds interesting. I'm all about reuse, so if I can expand my reuse scope, then that makes this officially cool.

Still would I use something like this in a production environment? I'd need to do/see a great deal testing first...

What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions) - Scott Hanselman's Weblog - What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions)

A good number of interview questions for .Net developers... I might need these in the semi-near future.

Luckly I can answer most of them up to and including the "Senior" level ones (which is a good thing ;)

There are a couple Senior ones I did have to look up though... (Like the parameters for sn. I've not done any strong naming or GAC installed assemblies, so had no clue, etc. Anyway if someone knew EVERYTHING then I'd have to wonder why...)

(via Mihir Solanki - .Net Interview Questions)

More Code Metric Tools

Code metric tools

"From an internal question on tools for generating code metrics...
Source Monitor


In the same vein as my nDepend post, here are a couple more source code metric tools.

World Wind 1.3 (beta)

NASA World Wind

" Significant user interface improvements, including tile download indicator
- New NLT Landsat7 dataset
- New NLT elevation dataset
- New community Landsat7 mirror dataset from
- Camera: added planet gravity, camera banking, field-of-view, and axis lock options. Planet gravity is on by default
- Place finder: fast search with index generator, columns, favorites, history, GPX coordinate import/export
- Scripting capability added, based on 1.0 specification (Tom Gaskins, NASA:
- Now interprets new worldwind://wmsimage= URI format
- Provincial borders added for Canada, municipal borders added for Norway and Sweden
- Installer: optimized, correctly checks for .NET 1.1, doesn't run multiple instances, has several translations. Rapid Fire MODIS base dataset included in install
- SVS now compatible with new server data format
- New "Flags of the World" and "County Municipalities in Norway" add-ons"

The very cool World Wind from NASA has rev'ed to 1.3... If you're interested in Managed DirectX & C#, the source code is a must download.

(via Double Exposure - World Wind 1.3 (DirectX))

Thursday, March 03, 2005


My Neigh-bloggers

Via Bryant Likes

"Chandu Thota has been busy [via Angus Logan]:
I have added a couple of new features to BlogMap:
1. Accepts geo meta tags such as ICBM
2. Added a new feature ('Neigh BlogMap'), using which you can find your neigh-bloggers"

Very cool feature added to BlogMap. Now you can get a map of all the blogs "close" to you. I've just subscribed to a couple sites because of this feature...

Here's my NeighBlogMap,

Also added to my sidebar so I can keep an eye on my NeighBlogger-hood. ;)

LA Firefighters Rescue Dangling Window Washers [i.e. You think your job sucks?]

NBC 4 - News - LA Firefighters Rescue Dangling Window Washers

"LA firefighters rescued two window washers who dangled against a building in the 300 block of West Sixth Street Thursday morning.

Images: Window Washers Rescue

The workers' scaffolding broke, but both men were wearing harnesses.

Firefighters broke a window on the 10th floor of the building to get to the workers.

The men hung from their safety straps for about an hour before they were pulled in through the window."

I was watching this rescue on TV this morning. And I thought my job sucked sometimes [err... I mean... um... "is less than perfect"... yeah... that].

I guess it could always be worse.

[Jokes about "given enough rope", "feeling of being left hanging", etc, etc, deleted]

Free eBook - .NET in Samples

"UPDATED! (22nd Feb 2005)
.NET in Samples presents many technologies on .NET platform like security, cryptography, WMI, networking, IO and others. This is still in draft version and final one will be release on the end of 2004 focusing on Whidbey features (pdf or doc). "

This is a very interesting free 276 page eBook with tons of C# code snips and samples in a varity of areas.

(via .NET in Samples - from

Monoppix 1.0

[tools] Monoppix 1.0 is out

Monoppix 1.0 is now out (and downloading... slowly... now). If you want to play with Mono on Linux, this is a must have.

If you are using VPC, Jon has special instructions on how to start Knoppix in 16Bit color mode, instead of 24Bit which VPC doesn't support.

Setting up a Development Tree...

Start your .NET project off on the right foot....

" In my career I've setup quite a few development trees for .NET projects. What do I mean by a 'development tree'?

  • It is a directory structure
  • containing:
    • source files
    • tools and dependencies
    • references to external tools and dependencies
  • checked into source control
  • that is atomically integratable
  • to produce a set of artifacts

A good development tree should:

  • be easily integratable on new environments
  • require little maintainance
  • but be easily maintainable when it does require maintenance
  • support, but not hamper, developer productivity
  • have consistent behaviour

These are rather qualitative ideals, but give some direction about where we want to head.

In this article I show how to develop a good 'boilerplate' development tree structure for .NET projects that other people can use.


I seem to reinvent my Dev project tree structure with each project. Mostly to try out new ideas and to avoid issues with previous layouts. This gets a little old. Also it doesn't take into account new areas I have yet to play with (like automated builds).

This article not only covers directory layout, but also source control, automated builds (NAnt) and unit testing (NUnit)... This is an article I want to review in detail.

(via Alex Lowe - Start your .NET project off on the right foot....)

Super Friends in Office Space?

Super Friends + Office Space == Hilarity

"What could possibly be better than a snippet of the old Super Friends cartoon with dialog from the movie Office Space? Life is good. : )"

Ah... my daily Office Space Fix. Just what I needed. :)

Would it be wrong to say that I look for understanding of "Yeah...." and "TPS reports" quotes in job candidates? :|

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Microsoft Enterprise Library Tutorials

Channel9 Wiki: EnterpriseLibraryTutorials

A growing list of tutorials for MS's Enterprise Library.

Microsoft Wins Appeal in Eolas Suit

BetaNews | Microsoft Wins Appeal in Eolas Suit

"An appeals court has overturned a $565 million decision against Microsoft in the patent lawsuit brought on by the University of California and Eolas. Microsoft heralded the reversal as a victory not only for Redmond, but for all Internet users. ..."

So it's over? Let's hope...

Display Local Weather Forecasts with the NOAA's Web Service Display Local Weather Forecasts with the NOAA's Web Service

Cool article on consuming the NOAA's Weather Forecast web service and creating a ASP.NET server control in VB.Net to display the results...

Simi Valley bans opening of medical marijuana clinic

KESQ NewsChannel 3 Palm Springs, CA: Simi Valley bans opening of medical marijuana clinic

"SIMI VALLEY, Calif. Simi Valley has placed a moratorium on the opening of medical marijuana dispensaries in town.

The City Council voted yesterday to prohibit such a business for at least 45 days after the Police Department said it needed time to study the issue. ..."

We just recently got a bookstore, Borders, and don't yet have a major electronics store, but we might have a Pot store in Simi soon?


I'm not against the store in concept and I know that if someone in my family were in constant pain I'd do everything I could to help them. But I do wonder if there are that many people in Simi with pot prescriptions to warrant such a store.

Guess we'll see in 45 days or so...

Monday, February 28, 2005

Schwarzenegger To Unveil Compromise Solar Energy Plan

NBC 4 - House and Home - Schwarzenegger To Unveil Compromise Solar Energy Plan

"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger aims to make California a world leader in solar energy with a new proposal he's sending to lawmakers Monday.

The plan, which drops some controversial provisions that doomed his 'million solar homes' proposal last year, would create a 10-year incentive fund encouraging both residences and commercial buildings to install solar power. But it would drop a requirement that half of all new homes eventually be solar powered. Those changes are designed to mute opposition from businesses and the building industry.


"The sun shines in California -- it's homegrown. No other state or country can take it from us," Campbell said.

The goal is to have 3,000 megawatts worth of solar power by 2018, which amounts to about 5 percent of the state's entire electricity usage at peak periods -- generally hot summer afternoons when electricity is most in demand, most expensive, and when solar panels are most efficient.

That's the equivalent of 40 new, $30 million, 75-megawatt natural gas plants. One megawatt is enough to power about 750 homes.

"We will be building literally power plants' worth of solar on roofs across the state," said Del Chiaro.

Hochschild installed solar panels on his San Francisco home three years ago, with the state's current rebate program paying about a third of the cost.

His home now feeds electricity into the power grid during the day's peak demand, and draws power at night. Because his energy supply and demand balances out, Hochschild's electricity bill last year was zero -- the result advocates and the administration predict statewide.


I really like having a state leaders who... um... lead.

Now I want to run out and get solar panels for my house. Just think about all those wasted megawatt's. (And having a $0 electric bill would be nice too ;)

Having the Federal Government help me pay off my Honda Civic Hybrid this year was nice (via a $2K tax credit just for buying a car that gets 45-50 MPG real world highway ... what a deal). And now the State wants to pay me (via incentives) to try and zero out my electric bill?

Rock on

Defense Tech: COOL TOOLBAR

Defense Tech: COOL TOOLBAR

"The bosses here have come up with a nifty little application for the military-minded: a toolbar that gives one-click access to defense headlines, photos and videos from the site's 'Shock & Awe' grab bag, and discounted gear for service members. Click here to check it out. "

A number of cool military IE skins and toolbar...

Looks like they might have used one of the create your own toolbar services (, but it still looks kind of cool.

Go Army! :)

MD5 Hash SQL Server Extended Stored Procedure

The Code Project - MD5 Hash SQL Server Extended Stored Procedure - Database

"This is an extended stored procedure for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 that implements an optimized MD5 hash algorithm. It functions similar to the MySQL MD5() function. The algorithm was taken from I only added the md5_string() function. The DLL should work for older versions of SQL Server too, although I have not tested that. The source was compiled and tested using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0. ..."

Very cool. Man I could have used this just a little while ago...

Now to see if I can talk my DBA's into letting this on our SQL Servers. :|