Tuesday, January 03, 2006

ASP.NET Starter Kits and Design Templates

ASP.NET Developer Center: Design Templates

"Download these professionally designed Starter Kits and XHTML templates to get you started creating compelling, standards-compliant Web pages with ASP.NET 2.0. There are four Starter Kits below. These Starter Kits are complete web site solutions using ASP.NET’s latest controls (tree view control, grid view control, detail view control, login control, site map path controls and more). There are another 5 XHTML templates below. These are individual XHTML strict Web page templates (available each in two different colors) that are accompanied by design philosophy whitepapers that describe each template’s Section 508 conformance, page layout with CSS (page layouts using CSS floats or tables), Web page accessibility best practices and Web standard resources. All nine templates below are easily customizable and extendable to fit your own content.


Commerce Design
The "Commerce" template features three columns of content in a centered fixed/fluid layout. No layout tables, just CSS...

Personal Design
Best suited for a personal or blog-style web site, this template has a hybrid fixed/fluid layout that organizes the content in two columns, with a horizontal menu at the top....

Corporate Design
This template has been specifically designed to accommodate large amounts of content. It features a three-column, centered layout with a fixed width...

Business Design
This template features two columns that are arranged in a centered, fixed-width layout. It is best suited for a small to medium-sized site...

HTML Standards Based Templates These templates illustrate high quality design principles combined with standards driven code. Each template is XHTML 1.1 Strict, Section 508/WCAG conforming and works across many browsers..."

The Templates include Basic, Fun, Grid, Rounded and Simple templates.

These look like they might truly be usable starting points, as apposed to "cut, slash and then code" starting projects.

Each starting kit comes in C# and VB flavors... Also each Kit and Template comes with its own online documentation, which looks to be a nice resource for making the site resulting from the kit/template your own.

(via .net DElirium - Design Templates and Starter Kits for ASP.NET 2.0)

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