Wednesday, January 04, 2006

DotNetFireball - Code Editor Component (LGPL, C#)

Saw this project today, The Code Project: Fireball.CodeEditor, and thought it was pretty darn cool (just look past the translated(?) English).

DotNetFireball is a pretty complete .Net code editor component that even includes color syntax. Out of the box, it supports color syntax for 36 languages and since the syntax info is in XML, it should be easy to add more languages if needed.

The Code Project project includes a working example (FireEdit Binaries) which is an easy what to check this component out. It's pretty cool seeing it in action... And considering the source for the component is OSS (LGPL), its cool++

Check out the home of Dot Net Fireball at DotNetFireball | Main / OpenSource for more information.

One thing, if you download the tar's, you might want to use WinRAR. My WinZIP 9 install didn't like the tar's and couldn't open them...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg,

good catch - it pointed me to something I've been looking for for quite a while. I do want to point out that I've subsequently found that the Fireball code is essentially stolen work in that they took another OSS project and more less rebranded it - which even in the non-monetary world of OSS is still way uncool. you should probably point to the original work at: