Tuesday, June 27, 2006

FileHelpers 1.5 Released

FileHelpers - FileHelpers 1.5.0 Released

"Posted By: marcosmeli
Date: 2006-06-26 08:18
FileHelpers 1.5.0 Released

With some delays but the library is always moving forward thanks to a hard work and the help of all you.

Breaking changes:
- Both DataStorages: SqlServerStorage and AccessStorage completely changed, from now you don´t need to override this classes (in fact you can´t because are sealed)
You can use these classes as client and provide the callbacks for the Insert and Fill record methods.(check the examples)
- The FieldQuoted attribute was completely rewritten to support optional quote for read, write or both.
So you need to use now the QuoteMode enum and not only a boolean. (For Excel generated CSV files you must use the QuoteMode.OptionalForBoth value) (check the examples)
- MOD: DataBaseStorage to DatabaseStorage (Case change)
- MOD: Extract and Insert Records now returns the inserted or extracted records

Mayor changes:
- ADD: New FielOptional that allows that the n last fields of a record be optional.
- ADD: Multiline Quoted Field support (with this we finish the support for Excel generated CSV files)
- ADD: Multiline Records supports via the FieldInNewLine attribute to allow records to span multiple lines
- ADD: OleDbStorage thanks to Permjeet Pandha to use with any Data Storage that supports OleDb access.
- ADD: The ReadMethods of the FileHelperEngine can return the data as a DataTable the sufix of this methods are AsDT. That is perfect to load sample data into your NUnit test (examples comming soon)
- ADD: New IgnoreEmptyLines that allows you to mark a record with it to ignore empty lines in the source data.
- ADD: CommonEngine.SortFile and SortRecords by field or using the IComparable interface if the records implement it.
- ADD: New demo code in a Console Application project to make easy to newbies play with the library. (download it from the examples)
- MOD: A lot of refactoring in the source code and changes in the the folder layout.
- MOD: Code in the Docs now highlighted with the excellent dp.SyntaxHighlighter from Alex Gorbatchev


The very cool (wait, I called it "very cool" last time... this time I should call it uber cool? Nifty? Rad? The best thing since self adhesive postage stamps? Heck you get the point... :) FileHelpers project has released 1.5...

Related Past Post XRef:
href="http://coolthingoftheday.blogspot.com/2006/03/filehelpers-reved-to-v140.html" target=_self>FileHelpers Rev’ed to v1.4.0
File Helpers Rev’ed to v1.3.5
FileHelpers Library 1.3.1

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1 comment:

Marcos Meli said...

Thanks a lot for you kind of comments !!!

And thanks for spread the FileHelpers to the rest of the community

Any feature request that you think could be added in the future only let me know it

Keep the good work
