Tuesday, September 12, 2006

CoPilot - Fee based, Easy to Use Remote Support Tool

Ken Robertson asked yesterday, "A while ago, I remember someone blogging about a remote desktop style tool that was very easy for people to use.  It was where you went to a website, got a key, and then someone else went to the site and entered in the key.  Then you cold get onto their system.

Trying to find the site, since my sister has been having some spyware problems and she isn't tech savvy, so walking her through it over the phone is painful. ..."

This sounded like something I run into quite often with my daughter and parents, so I was interested to see he got his answer, Fog Creek's CoPilot.

I've not not heard of that service, but in checking it out it looks pretty cool. It's not free, but it does look very easy for the "less than tech savvy person in need" to use.

As the "helper" you enter your name. At that point you decide how to pay. $9.95 for a day pass, let the helpee pay or subscribe to minutes (from $0.25 a minute to different monthly minute plans, etc. Think Cell phone plans).

Ten bucks is a little much, but much cheaper than the brain cramp of trying to walk a parent/daughter/friend through an issue remotely.

I wish Windows XP Remote Assistance was just as easy (I know, RA is not all that hard, but it's not this easy either)...


Mike Ward said...

You might want to take a look at Logmein.com. Free for remote desktop access and always available from any PC. I blogged about it here.

Greg said...

That does look pretty cool and the price is just right...

Thanks Mike.

Unknown said...

Hey, you may have a look at RHUB remote support appliance. It is easy to use, works on Windows, MAC, Linux, Unix etc. And best part is; it has no download of any kind.