Friday, June 22, 2007

Hosting PowerShell in a WinForm (or any) .Net Application in less than 4 minutes...

Windows PowerShell - Hosting PowerShell in a GUI – the Movie

"You've just got to stop and take 4 minutes to watch David Aiken's demonstration of how easy it is to host PowerShell in a GUI. Seriously, it is a 4 minute video! Even if you aren't a developer, it is worth looking at so you understand the concept and the work involved and then you can use that to demand your vendors provide you this function! ...

You can watch the video HERE.


This is a short video showing the quick and simple hosting of PowerShell in a WinForm app (In this case calling "Get-Service" and listing the results in a Listview).


Anonymous said...

PowerGUI ( ) is much better. ;)

Greg said...

Yeah, that is cool...

But this video interested me in that it showed me how I can add PowerShell scripting, support, etc to the apps I build.

I thinking to either let users extend my apps with PowerShell scripts, or to let my apps use the power of PowerShell (for example, WMI can be allot easier to access/use in PowerShell)