Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mashup, NPR Style – NPR opens up via new API

TechCrunch - NPR Launches API That Serves Up 13 Years Of Content

National Public Radio (NPR) has introduced an API that it says will allow developers to serve up mashups that include audio, images, and full text articles from the non-profit media organization’s archives that go as far back as 1995. You can access an overview of the new API here.


NPR - NPR Tech Center

“NPR's API provides a flexible, powerful way to access your favorite NPR content, including audio from most NPR programs dating back to 1995 as well as text, images and other web-only content from NPR and NPR member stations. This archive consists of over 250,000 stories that are grouped into more than 5,000 different aggregations.

After registering, you can access the API by constructing a URL with parameters indicating what stories you want the API to return. The default format of the results is NPRML, a custom XML structure specifically designed to represent all of NPR's digital content comprehensively. The API can also return results in RSS, MediaRSS, JSON, Atom and through HTML and JavaScript widgets (other formats are pending). To learn more about how to access the API, go to the Story API documentation or use our Query Generator to help you get started. To see the complete list of NPR lists that you can query against, see our Mapping Index.


Now I don’t listen to NPR much, but I still thought this was pretty cool… API’s just make me happy I guess (yeah, I know, weird… ;)

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