Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scrum Guide now in Kindle/mobi/ePub form - Scrum Guide Now Available On The Kindle, iPhone and iPad

"The English version of the Scrum Guide is now available for download for the Amazon Kindle, and Apple iPhone and iPad from For instructions on how this is done, go here. Thanks go out to Fred V for his efforts to get these created for the community.

..." - Read the Scrum Guide on Your Mobile Device


The PDF version is still available here, The Scrum Guide

Personal Kindle Note: I've found it easier and quicker to get ebooks onto my Kindle (v3, Wifi) via the free email method. Email the *.mobi to my kindle address,, than to copy it via USB. All depends on he numbers of books. 1,2,3 email is just easier and simpler. More, then USB. I also dig the ebook sites, like Baen's Webscription, that builds in a *.mobi/prc email to Kindle feature. [Note to self: How hard would it be to create a simple utility that given a *'mobi/prc download URL to automate the download & email process? How cool would a right-click "email to my Kindle" browser extension be? hum...]


Related Past Post XRef:
Scrum Resources

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